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.:Takashi: Life of a Wolf:.

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Post  PureBlood Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:49 am

Here is a story..

.:Chapter One:.
My paws lightly hit the wet ground as I ran. Something like 5 through 10 other wolves came with me. An elk was our prey. The pack hasn't eaten for a good few weeks. All hunts during then failed. Me and my pack were hungry and desperate. We needed to eat. Food was hard to come by these days. Whenever we got food lately, there were fights among the pack. A fast member bit the elk's leg hard. He got kicked off and was injured. He lay on the ground. All of the pack started to attack. One of us eventually got to the throat. We finally killed the elk after a long night of hunting. I was sad to have lost a few members, but I was happy to have gotten food. I howled for the pack to come and eat. Many of the surviving hunters were tired and very hungry. So we got first pick. We ate and ate. The whole pack grouped up to eat. I growled when I heard fighting. I saw my son, Ty growling at Dikoru, my other son who was the weakest of his litter.
"I am so hungry! And I am the Dominants' oldest, strongest son from my litter! I get this piece! You get a chunk of skin!" Ty snapped. Dikoru growled. Then his growling slowly stopped.
"I shouldn't fight with you. That would only get me in huge trouble." Dikoru said, then he went and got himself a chunk of meat and devoured it. I quieted my growl and finished eating my share. My mate, Ice, walked up to me and licked my face. She was snow white with yellow eyes flecked with silver. She was very beautiful compared to my charcoal fur. I had a white underbelly and muzzle. My eyes are deep amber with gold hues. After finishing eating, we walked to the den. After an hour or two of traveling we got to the den and slept.
.:Chapter Two:.
I awoke to the scent of a wolf. I slowly go to investigate... I see black male wolf.His eyes were yellow-ish. But there were hues of greenish blue... he looked to me. I tensed my muscles. His eyes.... that is what got me. I was frightened... Then a growl of fear ripped from my lips. "Tell.. me... who are you?" I growl, not showing aggression... showing that I was scared... He obviously saw my fear. He heard it in my voice. He looked at me.
"Paradox is the name. Now tell me YOUR name." He said. I looked at him and tried to sound like I wasn't frightened.
"Takashi, is my name." I said, hiding my fear. He looked at me with serious eyes.I looked away and went to wake up the pack. Members woke up and we circled the wolf. "Why are you here?!" Tai snarled. We were not going to attack. We only wanted to know why he is here... "I might join you... only if you let me hang around and see what it is like for a while."
.:Chapter Three:.
I look at Paradox and said, "If I let you stay, you better be good. Or I will have to chase you out." With saying that, Paradox nodded.
"I will be good enough..." Paradox said, trailing off. I look away to the majestic mountain. Paradox followed me and decide to see the mountain. A few of my daughters smelled me with an unfamiliar male, so they came out to check it out. I heard one of my super careless daughters step on a twig... Paradox's ears perk.
"What was that?" Paradox said, shocked at the sudden sound. I turned and saw a tail stick out of the bushes. I slowly stalked the tail and pounced on it.
"AROO!!" A voice howled. "That HURTS!" It was a female's voice.Then I saw her face. "What was THAT for?" She barked angry.
"I wanted to see who was there." I said quietly.. she growled and stormed off. One of my daughters smiled at Paradox. Then all the others started to smile at him.
.:Chapter Five:.
I smell a scent that I haven't smelled for months. A large black wolf was running towards me. I could barely see him, but I soon figured out it was Max... "Max?"
The pitch black wolf nodded. His amber eyes glowed in the night like small flames. I sniff him and rub my scent back on him. He had lost my scent after a few months of searching. I had scent him off with 5 other wolves to find a good area to live. I asked for what he had found. But he said something that just dragged away all of my excitement.
"I am sorry Takashi, but I found no lands... I found barely enough water and food to keep the group alive. Despite my attempts, most have died. I was the only one left to survive." I was devastated to have heard that. Max soon lost the sad look, suddenly he looked... determined? "I will try again, I just need the whole pack this time!" My face brightened up as well. Soon Paradox grinned. Paradox, Max and I started to wake up the pack members to find some land. My mate did not awaken, she lay on the ground with the newly born pups helpless and cold by her. Two of the young pups were already dead. I was sure this litter would not succeed. Max sniffed my mate and looked at me.
"S-she smells dead..." He whimpered. I whined when I heard that. I tucked my tail and whined, I was frightened and worried.
"What killed her?" I demanded. "Tell me what killed her..! Please!" I started to whine louder with each second. Max shook his head, Paradox sniffed her and the pups, he looked at me and said, "She died, how recently did she have the pups? And how recently have she eaten?" I frown and whimper. "T-the pups, were born... I don't know. she have eaten last time we killed something. Which was long ago."
Paradox shook his head, "Either she died of hunger or having the pups."
"What?" I frowned.
"Hunger is one of the main killers here now, right? So that is a large possibility."
I look at my mate and see that another pup has just died. Only one single pup lived. A little life remained inside of him. He was still weak. I had only my single male pup from this litter.
"This pack must rebuild," I picked my pup up. "This pup is part of the future." The pups life was slipping slowly, he was holding on with a weak grasp. I put him by his sister, "Care for him. You and him will have to live alone. I can't afford to care for him right now."
She whined and took him. I was sure that my pup would die. I looked at Paradox, he looked hungry and bored. Max looked sad.
"We must leave." I walked to the south, I smelled no strange wolves that way. Paradox, Max and the 7 pack members followed me.
.:Chapter Seven:.
I smelled two wolves; A male and a female. The scent of the female smelled like she was going to have pups. A black wolf with brownish tints along his spine was the first I saw, he had his tail high and mighty. He was followed by a pregnant female. Her fur was a beautiful creamy white color. Her fur had shades of grey, black, and brown. The shades were faint. In light she looks pure white. The big black wolf, who appeared to be her mate, had eyes that were bright yellow. His eyes were a pain to look in at night. The female had eyes that were dark brown. I looked at the male,
"Could you leave my path? I must travel this way." I said raising my fur a bit. The wolf snarled.
"Why would I move to an in-superior wolf like you?"
The female pulled her ears back, and looked at the black wolf. It looked as if she was frightened.
"Nado, just calm down. He might need this path for something really important. Besides, he must have more experience with starting up a pack. Maybe if we follow him, he might welcome us in the group." The black wolf, Nado, looked at her.
"We can't just trust him."
"Do you want to be able to have a good territory or not? They are leaving this area for a reason..." The female said. Nado looked at Paradox. Paradox looked threatening.
"Do not head behind me. The area is poor and reeks of death." Paradox said, he was sure this would stop the wolf for a short time. Nado, instead growled.
"I can go that way if I'd like. I am leading you!" He snapped at Paradox. Paradox growled.
"Takashi is, not you."
"Do not head that way. The area is in a famine. You, your mate and your pups would die." A voice said.
.:Chapter Eight:.

The two wolves have been tagging along for a while now, however, Nado kept behaving dominant. Paradox told him to stop a few times. If Nado did not cease with the behavior after Paradox's warning, I correct him. Max flattens his ears whenever the correcting breaks into a fight.

"Nado! Do not behave dominant unless you really are dominant!" I snarl in Nado's face. Nado snapped at my face.

"I am more dominant than the likes of you!" Nado snarled. I snapped at his shoulder, leaving a very minor wound.

"Act like that one more time... And I'll leave you in much hurt. Be lucky I'll even let you have pups and still join us." I barked. Nado exposed his sharp, milky-white fangs. Paradox looked at Nado with a sigh and shook his head. Max whimpered, unusual for his happy attitude. The white wolf, now who we know as Savarina, sighed. I could tell she was waiting to get to the new lands. Soon a dark figure appeared in the evening mists. Another behind us.

"Hello." A darkly colored wolf stepped from the mists. The fur on most of her body was black. The underbelly, paws, and chin were a dark brown color. Her golden, glowing eyes seemed upset. She walked to me, she seemed sure I was the dominant. "Are you the dominant of this small pack?"
I remembered that during the travels, most fo the pack has died off. Only Max, Paradox, Nado, Savarina and I remained.

"Yes, I am the dominant. If your next question is if I have a mate, the answer is no. My mate died." I said, my eyes soon filling with grief. I saw her smirk and look away. A whiteish-silvery wolf jumped from the bushes. He looked older than the black wolf. He had yellowish tones in certain areas of his coat.

"Hello, my name is Luke." He winced. "I shouldn't have jumped..." He licked a leg that had a cut and seemed broken. His eyes were a faded amber color. His eyes still burned like little flames in night. The night sky soon fell upon us after I introduced myself to him. I looked at the black wolf,
"You never said your name."

She looked at me, "The name is Cyril. My mate died as well as yours had. He was killed." I started to trot off, Paradox, Max, Savarina and Nado followed. Cyril and Luke tagged along. Cyril tried to get up front where Paradox and I were. Luke loped in the back. I looked at Cyril and Luke.

"Do you want to join or something?"
Cyril nodded, Luke closed his eyes and smiled a small smile. I took it as a yes and allowed them to come along.
.:Chapter Nine:.
A white wolf dragged himself from the bushes. He seemed old and a bit feeble, but his muscles were still strong. His eyes were brown with a greenish tint.
"Hello," the wolf said. "My name is Kuran Kaname."
I look at the wolf, tail parallel to the ground. "Why are you in our path?"
Kuran Kaname looked around. Paradox stared at him. "Answer Takashi's question." The white wolf trembled, worried that if he did not answer he would get injured.
"I-I wanted to join you! I'm an old wolf, and I'm needing a pack to live the rest of my days in." I look at him, eyes squinted.
"Fine, you can join." I walk off, Cyril and Paradox followed closely behind. Luke limped far back with Kuran Kaname supporting him.
"Don't give up, Luke. Don't give in to the pain," Kuran Kaname encouraged.

"Thanks Kuran Kaname."

Max looked at Luke over his shoulder. "You okay?"
Luke frowned and clenched his teeth. He shook his head. Max went and gave Luke some extra support.
"We don't need more losses, do we..?" Max said. Kuran Kaname nodded, because he didn't want to see somebody die already. Nado snarled at them.
"Keep moving, or get left behind!" He said with bared teeth. Max growled.
"Oh yeah?! You try helping an injured wolf!" Max growled. Kuran Kaname snapped,
"Well, those who abandon their pack is worse than scum!" This drove Nado to anger. He drove a bite to Kuran Kaname's shoulder, inflicting some damage. Kuran Kaname snarled and tried pushed Nado off. When he couldn't do it, he barked for help. I go to Nado and ram into his side.
"Behave!" I growl. Nado bared his teeth and snapped in my face. Savarina whimpered, she didn't want to see a fight amongst the pack this violent. Paradox bit in the back of Nado's neck, but not roughly. He only drew little blood. Cyril growled,
"He needs to learn some manners here!" She lunged at Nado and tried to hold him to the ground. I hold him down. Paradox helped as well.
"Say that you are submissive!" We say simultaneously. My yellow-amber eyes burn in anger. Nado snarled and tried to get out. I put my paw on his chest. "Say that you are submissive!"
Nado could hardly take anymore pressure. "Fine! I'm submissive!" We let him out and continue moving on.
.:Chapter Ten:.
I awoke to the sound of growls. Nado was growling at Kuran Kaname and Luke. Paradox went to Nado and asked him nicely to stop. Nado just snapped in his face.
"Do not dare tell me what to do! I am leader and if necessary, I'll fight Takashi himself for leading!"
Paradox bit the top of Nado's muzzle, raised his tail high, stiffened his legs and raised his hackles. He was implying dominance. Nado noticed that he must follow our lead. Savarina whimpered, she was tired and was resting by a rock. Nobody was able to make her budge. Nado cringed, tucked his tail slightly and licked Paradox's muzzle on the side. He was showing submission. Cyril walked to Savarina.
"Are you okay?" She asked, Savarina continued acting tired and whimpered more. Luke looked at his wound and lay down, he told Kuran Kaname to see what is happening.

"Kuran Kaname, I'll be fine, trust me. Savarina needs you more than I need you right now."

Kuran Kaname looked at Luke, he was unsure weather or not to go to Savarina.

"No. I'm not leaving you there. If I am going, you have to come. Not a wolf left behind." Luke smiled tiredly as Kuran Kaname said this. He allowed him to help him up and help him walk to Savarina. Luke sat down as soon as they got there. Kuran Kaname watched intently. Savarina started to dig into the base of the tree. She made the hole bigger, and bigger. Then it was big enough for herself and up to 6 pups. She crawled inside the hole and lay down inside, whimpering.

"What's happening to her?"
.:Chapter 11:.
Nado looked in the direction of the tree Savarina had dug a hole near. He approached the hole. Paradox stood in front of the den.
"Sorry, but you can't go in. And do not give me the 'but I'm her mate' thing. It seems she may need to be alone for now." Paradox said. Nado growled, he knew what was happening.
"I know what is happening." Nado said calmly, only hinting a growl. Paradox and I exchanged glances.
"What is it?" I said.
"She is going to have the pups." Nado said, with a small smirk. My eyes widened a bit. Paradox frowned. Cyril looked surprised, she should have guessed. "Savarina obviously looked pregnant, right? She was already nearing the end of it all when we met."
Savarina yelped. Cyril narrowed her eyes, annoyed with all of the noise Savarina was making. Paradox grunted, he looked like he didn't want to hear it. I twitch my ear. Another yelp came, only this time it was louder.

A pup was born, but it wasn't looking too good. It's pulse and breathing was slow, and it didn't move, or even whine. Savarina looked at the pup. It was already dying. She licked the pup to try and help its breathing and circulation. The licking barely helped. The pup's life was already fading fast. She decided it was no use to do anything. The pup was already dead. She yelped, and pushed, then yelped again. Another pup was born several hours later.

My ears were in pain, and lots of it. Cyril looked at me,
"When will this horrible noise end?"
I shook my head, as in 'I'm not sure'. She signed, wishing it would end soon. Paradox was on the ground covering his ears.
Max was whining with his ears flat against his head.
"Ugh! It's so loud!"

Savarina winced after she licked the whining pup, and then she moved the pup closer. She yelped again, another pup was born in an hour. She licked this one, she was breathing heavily, and in pain. She moved the pup close. She sighed. She was very tired, strained and hungry. She didn't expect this to happen now. She thought only one more day, but she got surprised with it happening now. She lay her head down. Soon, a burst of pain surged through her body. She yelped loudly, nearly screeching.

Nado started to get slightly annoyed. "Ergh!"

Savarina through it was over, 4 alive pups lay near her. She licked them all clean. But, she soon found it wasn't over just yet. She yipped in pain. Another pup was born, it was smaller than the rest. She licked it clean, and moved it closer to feed.

We heard the yipping, and yelping stop. We hardly slept that night. Nado smelled a dead pup. He went near the den and poked his muzzle in, feeling for the dead. Savarina growled a bit. Nado found the dead pup and took it away. He took it away and dug a hole. He dropped the limp pup in the hole. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep. Paradox lay down nearby my sleeping body. Cyril lay down a few feet from Paradox and I.
.:Chapter Twelve:.
I awoke to the smell of a young wolf. Savarina was feeding her new pups. Nado was sleeping a few feet from the den. Cyril was still sleeping, with her mouth gaped. Paradox had one eye open.I nudge Paradox. He grunted, "Hm...?" I nosed Cyril's shoulder. She woke up and got up. Cyril stretched and yawned.

"What..? Isn't it just about the time the big yellow thing in the sky is going to come up..?" She yawned. I sniffed again.
"A lone wolf." I said. Cyril opened her eyes again, only more awake.

"Oh.." She said. Paradox sniffed. A young russet colored yearling stepped from the bushes. She looked a bit mean.
"What do you want?! And what are you here for?!" The young wolf snapped, her hare was long gone. Paradox pushed her to the ground.

"We are traveling. But we must stay in this spot for a few weeks." Paradox growled. Cyril walked to the young wolf.
"You need to be less dominant if you want to come with us. Paradox, Takashi and I are the leaders here." Cyril said in a monotone voice. The pup snarled.

"Let me go!" She growled and kicked Paradox in the stomach. Paradox got off of the yearling, with a growl. The young wolf pounced on my face. I growled and tried to get her off. "You made me lose my food!" Paradox bit her and caused her to get off. Cyril pinned the yearling down. Paradox put a paw down on her tail. I put a paw down on her shoulder.

"Now you can't get out unless we let you out." The yearling's yellow eyes brightened and showed a hue of green. Paradox growled. "Show submission! Then we will let you in!" The yearling's ears were put back, her tail was low, and she started to cringe. Her tail was tucked against her belly. Paradox smelled the pup. "You may join now."

Cyril shrugged, "That was easy..." I agreed with that. Cyrill sniffed Paradox's face. "Since we are going to be working along side each other, maybe we should be friends." Paradox frowned, and thought. He walked away.

"We can be friends but only friends. I will not be taking it any higher than friends. Got that?" He said. Cyril shrugged.
"Fine." She walked away and stood behind me. "Would you like to be close friends?"

I shrugged, "Hm. Sure." She looked away and went to the river she started to drink the cool liquid. The yearling stood on a rock.
"Announcement! My name is Flare!"

I looked at Flare. Cyril looked at Flare like she was crazy, and Paradox's eye twitched.

"What kind of announcement is that!?"
.:Chapter Thirteen:.
Ten weeks later...

The five pups were growing well. Young Alzo didn't want to quit milk, so he kept searching for some from Savarina.

"Mother! I want milk, I don't want squishy meat guts stuff!" He would complain. Tasvo would always behave when it came to eating regurgitated meat, the others followed his example. Savarina would push him away toward the meat, Alzo would be upset and try to avoid the meat. Nado watched Alzo.

"Do you think he's going to survive without eating like that?" Nado asked Savarina. Savarina looked at the sleeping pups.

"I'm not sure what will be of Alzo. He is being a picky little brat." Savarina sighed. Alzo scooted over closer to Sana in his sleep. It was a cool night, and they were outside of the warm den. Sana yawned loudly and started to whimper a small bit.Nado picked up Sana and placed her near his fur, he pulled Alzo a little closer to him as well. Sana stopped whimpering. Savarina looked at Tasvo and watched him sleep near Distant and Navid. She noticed that Tasvo and Navid were already pretty big and strong. She knew they would have body types like their father's. Alzo started to pull himself closer towards Nado's chest for more warmth.

When the sun rose, all of the pups started to wake. Alzo woke, wondering why he felt so warm at night. he walked to Tasvo and looked at him challengingly.

"I'm challenging you for the place as dominant pup!" Alzo yipped. Tasvo growled slightly. Alzo ran to Tasvo and nipped his ear. Tasvo quickly turned the tables and pinned Alzo.

"Hey! No fair! You are bigger than me!" Alzo barked. Tasvo let Alzo free from the pin.

"Then don't challenge those way bigger than you are." Tasvo said calmly. Nado and Savarina came back with a little bit of elk meat. Alzo quickly ran to his parents.

"Mommy, Daddy, Tasvo beat me up!" He said sniffling. Little did they know, he was lying. When they went to talk with Tasvo, Alzo grinned like he did something right.He stopped grinning four seconds later. Nado was lecturing Tasvo to not beat his siblings up. Savarina shook her head and lied down. Nado got the elk meat.

"Who's hungry?" Nado asked. All of the pups went to him for it. All but Tasvo. Tasvo sat behind a rock. Savarina looked at him.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked calmly and sweetly. Tasvo nodded. "Then why won't you eat?" Tasvo sighed. He went to eat some of the regurgitated meat. By the time he got here, there was little left. He ate what he could have from the leftovers. I watched from a bush. Cyril, Paradox and Max were looking where to go. An hour later they came back.

"What direction should we go?" I asked. Cyril flicked her ear towards the West. I called for Savarina and Nado to come. They told their pups that they must start traveling. The group started off to find the new territory.
.:Chapter Fourteen:.
I looked at sleeping Flare. Suddenly, a sound came from the bushes. A slender, black female wolf appeared. It felt like she came out of nowhere. I let out a low growl. But then I look at her eyes, they were so pale. Almost whitish. I put a paw back, still growling. She was a slender wolf, all black with a white underbelly and a strange marking on her head. A white male who was a bit fat came from the bushes behind her. He has a black underbelly and a black marking on his head.

"Yin." The female said. Soon followed by the other wolf.

"Yang." The male said. They appeared to be brother and sister. Cyril awoke with an eye closed.

"Huh..?" She mumbled. She looked at the strangers and awoke fully. She let out a growl. Paradox was snoring, the sounds were blocked by all of the noise he is making. Cyril raised her tail. I got in a stance to attack.

"We are not here to harm. Only of high hopes to follow, or even join." Yang said calmly. His voice was gentle, and kind.

"We will make of good help, kind wolves. My brother, Yang, is strong." Yin said with a soft tone. Yang nodded.

"My sister, Yin, is fast." Yang said with hopes. I looked a bit suspicious. Cyril just yawned and walked away.

"Fine. Follow and see if you can earn our trust." I said, I called for everybody to awake, the sun was coming up again. Cyril moaned tiredly, Paradox snored really loud, Nado was sleeping like an angel, Savarina was kicking the air as she slept. All of the pups are just laying there in their sleep.

I went to Nado and yelled in his ear. Then I bit Savarina awake, I yelled really loud in Paradox's ears. I nipped Flare. I started walking off. Cyril got up and started to come. Paradox followed, Max followed. Kaname Kuran followed. Luke's injury was looking better, but wasn't healed fully. He followed. Nado, Savarina and their pups followed. Yin and Yang followed behind the rest.
.:Chapter Fifteen:.
I awoke to two wolf scents. A faded russet wolf appeared. She was smaller than usual wolves and thinner. Some black is marked into her coat, especially around her muzzle. A bit of white marks her paws and fades as it moved up from the back of her legs. She appeared to be older, maybe around five or six years. Yet, she could be older or younger than my guess. Something... dead was hanging from her jaws. Paradox came along. Cyril was watching in the bushes. Max was guarding Luke when he saw the wolf. Kaname Kuran guarded the area of Luke nobody is covering.

"Hello. My name is Cita. Kora should be nearby. Kora." The russet wolf said as she turned towards the bushes. An old, very old, wolf came from behind her. The wolf was white, only with some silvery-gray on her muzzle and a few other areas. She was very thin, so thin that it's unhealthy. Her eyes were a gold color, with just a touch of emerald.

"Help 'the tod o' a wolf'..." The wolf said quietly to Cyril. I stared at the white wolf.

"Uh.." Cyril said, not really knowing what the wolf was saying.

"Oh, that is Kora, she's dying. So don't mind what she says." Cita said offering the dead animal to Kora. Kora looked at the animal and bit it in the body. She let go of the animal and lay down, refusing to stand.

"Is that why she says weird things?" Paradox asked. Cita nodded.

"I guess something happened with her mind." Cita said. Cyril walked away and accidentally stepped on on of Nado and Savarina's pups. The pup barked sharply and in pain. Cyril acted like she didn't hear the pup or didn't even step on it. Nado awoke to the pup and picked it up.

"Who stepped on her!?" He demanded. Nobody answered him.

Want to submit a character?
Chapter to make a debut:
Fur color:
Eye color:
Body structure:
Anything else?:


Name: Takashi
Age: 3 and a half years
Gender: Male
Personality: He's a strong male wolf with a strong sense of leading. He's kind when you get to know him. He's aggressive to wolves he does not know or are not friends with him. When things bad happen, he will lead his pack from the troubled area.
Chapter to make a debut: He's been in the story the whole time, so Chapter 1.
Fur color: His fur is a charcoal color. It's a black color rather than a dark grey. His underbelly is white.
Eye color: Amber with gold, green and brown hues.
Body structure: He is more muscular than most wolves, his legs are long. His teeth are sharp. He is a tall wolf.
Anything else?: Nothing.

!= Out of the story
^= Coming back in
*= In story
#= Not in story yet

Takashi *
Paradox *
Cyril *
Luke *
Kaname Kuran *
Nado *
Savarina *
Flare *
Yin #
Yang #

THM Posts : 33

Wolf Information
Wolf Mood: Unaccompanied
Likes: Check bio.
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